Obsessed Rapper Who Wants to Style Out Your Closet


Certain labels do not interest Angel Haze, the 23-year-old Detroit-born rapper who identifies as agender and prefers the gender-neutral pronouns “they” and “them.” However, when it comes to the subject of fashion, there simply aren’t enough. Talking to them recently as they were on a world tour to support their latest release, Back to the Woods, the stylish magpie and MC immediately began to rattle off a laundry list of designers that have become fixtures in their wardrobe: Givenchy archival jackets; Pyer Moss separates; Saint Laurent combat boots; a 150-piece hat collection replete with Stetsons, custom Nick Fouquets, and Thrasher snapbacks. “I was always into being me and expressing myself in a manner that felt okay. I think with fashion, I like the really gaudy things. I like the things that make me feel two tiers above a human,” they say. “I’ve always been into cultivating a look that’s all my own, that nobody else could really pull off.”

Without question, Angel Haze’s signature androgynous style of distressed concert tees, ripped designer skinny jeans, rugged Saint Laurent boots, and eye-skimming chapeaus have inspired legions of their young fans who are no doubt clamoring to attend tonight’s New York show at S.O.B.’s. “I was just wearing a Coogi sweater at a recent show. You know my shows get lit!” they laugh. “I look at my fans and I guess they try to reflect me. I see a lot of kids with shorts over their leather pants, and I’m wearing Pyer Moss with Givenchy, and they’re like, ‘Yeah, I just bought these because I wanted to be like you!’ which is very cool.”
Read more:http://www.styleme.com.sg>http://www.styleme.com.sg
But for the promotion of Back to the Woods, Haze has taken a more decidedly rugged turn—trading in their more covetable pieces like a pair of Christian Louboutin chained boots for a pair of durable cream army boots that they picked up at an army surplus store. “When I made this album, the theme of it was really war tones. I really wanted an army influence, because I’m the chief of my clan, my wolves, my everything,” they passionately explain. “So my whole fashion has changed with that. I don’t think I’ve ever not worn combat boots anywhere. It’s something my character is. I’m that person.” Besides, the sturdy footwear makes for better moshing—Haze tends to jump into the crowd after an energetic and rousing onstage performance.

Of course, when not making plenty of fashion statements onstage with distressed Thrasher tees cut to expose their clavicle, or throwing on Adidas shorts over Adidas track pants for a new take on elevated athleisurewear, Haze is busy styling out their friends. “I have a knack for knowing what looks good on people, so my friends and I created a little segment in our lives called ‘Pimp My Friend,’ ” they laugh. “We take them, dress them up. We even take them shopping! I love people, but I don’t think people realize how important it is to always look your best. If you put in a little bit of effort, you’d be dope.” But Haze quickly attests it’s not just about shopping for shopping’s sake: “We’re not just cultivating clothing. We’re cultivating a person. We’re cultivating a power, a presence.”




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)

      Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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      1. Milloin viimeksi näit ikäväsi kohteen?

        Oliko helppo tunnistaa hänet? Millaisia tunteita tuo näkeminen herätti sinussa?
      2. En tiedä..

        Yhtään minkälainen miesmaku sinulla on. itse arvioin sinua moneenkin otteeseen ja joka kerta päädyin samaan lopputulokse
      3. Suhde asiaa

        Miksi et halua suhdetta kanssani?
      4. Kirjoita nainen meistä jotain tänne

        tai minusta, ihan mitä haluat. Niinkin voi kirjoittaa, etteivät muut tunnista, esim. meidän kahdenkeskisistä jutuista. K
      5. Paras olisi vain unohtaa

        Tuleekohan tähän meidän tilanteeseen ikinä mitään selvyyttä. Epätoivo iskee taas, enkä jaksaisi enää odottaa. Kohta lop
      6. IS viikonloppu 18-19.5.2024.

        Laatija Toni Pitkälä on itse laatinut ja kuvittanut 3- arvoista ristikkonsa. Nihkeästi tuntuu löytyvän ensimmäisiä var
      7. Oliko vähä sometettu taas vai?

        Tuli aiva liika nopiaa traktorin perä vastahan. https://www.iltalehti.fi/kotimaa/a/2b3857b3-f2c6-424e-8051-506c7525223a
      8. Voisitko laittaa

        Nimesi ensimmäisen ja kaksi viimeistä kirjainta tähän?
      9. Kristityn megahyökkäys idän palstoilla on kauhistuttava

        Terroristikristityn megahyökkäys joka puolella on kauhistuttava, hänen viesteissään on järjetön määrä vihaa. Hän on idän
        Idän uskonnot
      10. S on minun etunimen kolmas kirjain.

        Mikä sinun etunimen kolmas kirjain on?